Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle
Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle

pp bottles

Premium PPSU 6-9 Month Bundle

nourish your little miracle and protect your breastfeeding bond by honoring your baby’s natural feeding motion and practice for a perfect latch.

4 nipples: 2x 6p paced & 2x 6+ months fast flow

1 bottle: 8oz regular pp

product description

minbie has been successful in helping families avoid bottle refusal because our nipple allows your baby to feed with the same latch and feeding motion they use for breastfeeding. this kit contains 4 nipples in 2 different flow rates helping you match the right nipple to your baby’s natural feeding pace. the 6+ nipples will help bub transition to a new faster feed rate with more control while the 6P nipple is anti-drip, requiring strong instinctive feeding (super helpful in preventing leaks when bub begins holding their own bottle.) the PPSU bottle in this kit is beautifully transparent like glass without the weight and worry of breakage and has a high heat resistance which is perfect for safe sterilisation. PPSU is completely free of BPAs, BPS, bisphenols, estrogenic and androgenic activity (EA free) so incredibly safe for your little one.

why our nipples

no other bottle feeding system offers such similarity to the breastfeeding experience! the minbie nipple offers your baby a feeding experience that nurtures their instinctive breastfeeding latch, replicates the breastfeeding motion & prevents lazy feeding. minbie encourages babies to feed with a strong instinctive breastfeeding latch, providing valuable practice for comfortable more sustainable breastfeeding. when you choose minbie, you're choosing to give your baby and your breastfeeding the very best.

Regular price Save $-26.99


Nurtures breastfeeding

the meticulous way in which the minbie nipple has been designed gives peace of mind when it comes to breastfeeding support.

Strengthens bonds

life is busier than ever before and choosing to feed your baby with our minbie nipple means you aren’t doing it alone.

Anti reflux & anti colic

the intricate design of the minbie nipple is what makes it anti colic & anti reflux. it’s a total rethink of the baby bottle nipple.

Protects your baby

babies who feed from the minbie are practicing their instinctive breastfeeding muscle-memory and therefore avoiding nipple confusion and lazy latching.

revolutionary nipple design
revolutionary nipple design
other nipples
nurtures instinctive breastfeeding latch


strengthens breastfeeding coordination


avoids nipple confusion


replicates instinctive breastfeeding motion


supports good digestion


helps reduce reflux and colic


trains breastfeeding muscle-memory


gently contours palate and gums


"The Only Bottle That Worked For us"

Catherine, New Mom

after trying many different bottle brands, minbie with its unique latch and feeding style was the only one that worked.


reviews by minbie parents

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